In this article we are going to see different tools which can be used for different Java Memory Analysis in offline. I will try to include all kinds of offline analysis tools. OS process memory monitoring and tools are ignored due to context.What is offline analysis?When we do analysis on...
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General Ideas on finding memory leaks
Blog on performance-analysis
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Java OutOfMemoryError by GC overhead limit exceeded
Blog on Java Exception
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Java OOM, Unable to create new native thread
Blog on Java, JVM
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Load Generator Performance Matrices
Blog on Java, JVM
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Java OutOfMemoryError :PermGen space or Metaspace
Blog on Java, JVM
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Java OutOfMemoryError in Heap Space
Blog on Java Exception
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Out Of Memory in Java
Blog on Java Exception
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Compare study Junit vs TestNG
Blog on java Unit Testing
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JVM Architecture
Blog on JVM Architecture
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Understanding Web Performance
Blog on Performance testing
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KPI in a Performance Report
Blog on performance testing, JVM
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How to run jmeter in Jnekins with Performance Plugins?
In this article we are going to see how can we run Jmeter tests using Jenkins. With jenkins we can run Jmeter in several ways. But, we only show the usages of Performance Plugins.Jenkins is a CI server. It runs processes. It has different ways to run process. Using its...
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How to run JavaScript in Jmeter?
Blog on JavaScript in Jmeter
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Dotnet Performance Counters
Blog on performance-analysis
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What is CLR? How it works?
Blog on performance-analysis
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Elements inside DotNet CLR
Blog on performance-analysis
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Jmeter User/Thread Support
Blog on Jmeter Advance
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Designing Load Scenarios
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance Test approaches
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance Tests Script best practices
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance test script Qualities
Blog on Performance testing
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Writing VUser or Performance Test Script
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance Bugs: How to find? How to report?
In this article we are going to know how to find bugs related to performance as well as how to report them. This is very basic checklist which will differ based on your project. I will try to give example with web application. To know about basic bug and...
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Performance Testing in a Nutshell
In this article we are going to see Performance testing activities at a glance. The basics of performance testing.The goal of this post is to have basic idea on how they start and follow-up. So, here is a small flow chart type(not strictly following flow chart rules) description to illustrate...
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Jmeter webdriver sampler code style: Jmeter Client Side Performance Testing
In this article we are going to see the Jmeter Webdriver sampler code style. Code style refers, how it is constructed, how it is run, how we can apply different ways to resolve issues. Jmeter supports a verity of scripting language to run on it. Webdriver sampler simply use...
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How to debug steps in Jmeter Webdriver sampler?Jmeter Client side performance testing
In this article we are going to see how we can debug steps written in webdriver sampler.This will help us finding specific step time as well as fail conditions. That means, if you are making script for long term project, it is must. To make a good debug-able client side...
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JMeter Client side performance testing : How to write web driver sampler code?
In this article we are going to see how to write code in JMeter webdriver sampler(from jmeter plugins). It is part of Jmeter Client side performance testing.As we know from previous post that webdriver plugins use selenium. So, make sure that you have selenium server(selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0) and firefox 26 in environment. ...
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How to run multiple version of firefox in windows for automation?
In this article we are going to see the tricks to run multiple version of firefox in windows 7. You can have multiple version but only one version should be in path variable.This is spatially needed for running Jmeter with firefox 26 and selenium with latest supported firefox.Before starting, we...
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How to perform client side web performance testing in JMeter?
In this article we will see how can we do client side performance testing using Jmeter Plugins.I will be using jmeter webdriver plugins. Before starting this topic, please have some basic on what is client side performance testing from my previous post.So, lets start with Installation : 1. Install Jmeter...
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Client Side Performance
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance Reporting
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance requirements
Blog on Performance testing
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Why we need Performance Testing?
Blog on Performance testing
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Performance Testing types
Blog on Performance testing
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Method Info by Java Reflection
Blog on java Reflection
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Field Info by Java Reflection
Blog on java Reflection
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Constructor Info by Java Reflection
Blog on java Reflection
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Class/Type Info by Java Reflection
Blog on java Reflection
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What is Java Reflection?
Blog on java Reflection
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