In this article we are going to see how can we clear text from a android item or a web element with robotium framework. After Initiating solo, we will mainly two type asserts-To clear text from current edit text item(in here myEditText)solo.clearEditText(myEditText); -To clear text from currently active edit...
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What are the asserts in Robotium(build in)?
In this article we are going to see the build in asserts methods spatially come with robotium framework. These are not predefined Java asserts, these are from solo object specified form mobile. After Initiating solo, we will mainly two type asserts1. Memory checking : This asserts the available memory is...
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Function Helper in Jmeter
In this article we are going to see function helper of jmeter. As we know, we use jmeter function to get various information for using as data while testing and we use this format {$__functionName(parameter1, parameter 2, ...)} to use themSo, what is Function Helper? It's simple an UI that...
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Test Plan-Thread-sample information using Jmeter Functions
In this following article we are going to see how can we retrieve current Test Plan , Thread and sample information. These are static, so they are rarely used. -To get name of current running Test Plan${__TestPlanName}-Only used in function that calls the full test plan.-To get number if thread...
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Calculation with Jmeter functions
In this article we are going to see the function in Jmeter used for Calculations. Calculation like randomizing, incremental, simple adding etc. ${__counter(FALSE,myVeriable)}This is a simple counter that increments in +1.-It uses Integer variable , so limit is 2147482647-Counter function is fully independent -It has 2 parameter, First one(mandatory) take...
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Regular Expression with Jmeter Function
In this article we are going to see how we can use regular expression with a function to retrieve information from response data. We will see full detail of the function.${__regexFunction((?i).*?abcd.*,$2$,ALL,,,ReturnOnNoMatch,myVariable,InputVariableTextToParse)} This is the function with Seven Parameters. First Parameter(mandatory) :The regular expression which will be applied to response data....
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String operations with jmeter functions
In this article we are going to see some necessary string operations that can be done using jmeter function.Jmeter provides a lots of functions for operation over string/data. Some technique are describe below. 1. ${__escapeOroRegexpChars([^"].+?,MyVer)}-This will escape the ORO Regexp meta characters to java \Q\E Regexp engine. From example, it...
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How to access Jmeter Properties ?
As we know previously , we can change jmeter properties by editing properties files stored in /bin directory. I have a full 18 posts for all type of property definitions. In this section , we will see that how can we read and write the properties while jmeter is running.Jmeter...
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How to read file in jmeter?
As we know previously that can read file in jmete by different config elements. In this article we are going to see functions that are used in jmeter used for the same purpose. That means, we can use the function directly reading file without any component. We can read file...
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How to write log in jmeter?
In this article we are going to see functions of jmeter used for writing custom Log while running jmeter test. As, default log is stored in /bin/jmeter.log file, this will store in there.There ate two functions are used for running custom jmeter logs. 1. ${__log(StringForLogAndReturn,DEBUG,Text thrown,Comments)}-It has 4 parameter-it provides...
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How to get current time in Jmeter?
In this article we are going to see functions of jmeter used for getting the current time when jmeter test is running.Form jmeter function, we can this to get current time${__time(HMS,shantonuTime)}It has two parameter . first one is the format and second one is the variable name where the time...
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Running BeanShell/JavaScript/JEXL in Jmeter
Blog on Jmeter
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How to find a webelement or webelements in Robotium?
In this article we will see the functions used for getting a web element from a web application using Robotium while doing testing.We need to initiate the Solo object. After initiation, we will uses solo to get those.For Single web element : Solo object have a function named solo.getWebElement(), where we...
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How to press menu items in Robotium?
In this article we are going to see how to check different items from menu. Basically, the items that comes when we press menu button.We need to initiate the Solo object. After initiation, we will uses solo to get those.-To click an items with a text present in the menu....
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How to take a screenshot in robotium?
In this article we are going to see how to take a screenshot in an Android device while performing Unit Testing using robotium framework.After Initiating solo, we need to use the object of solo.-To take screenshot with default naming solo.takeScreenshot();-To take screenshot with our given namesolo.takeScreenshot("NameOfTheFile");-To take screenshot with our...
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How can we parametrize host Information in Jmeter?
In this article we are going to see functions of jmeter used for providing the PC information where jmeter test is running.Why this is important? It is very important when-we need to know where the test is runnning-We need to identify specific request's environment-We need to use the host information...
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How to press a key in Robotium?
In this article we are going to see how to press hardware keys of an Android device while performing Unit Testing using robotium framework.Now a days, most of the device do not have hardware keys. But, Android handles those keys separately than soft keys. After Initiating solo, we need to...
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How to change alignment in Robotium?
In this article we are going to see how change the alignment of screen of an Android device while performing Uni Testing using robotium framework. After Initiating solo, we need to use the object of solo. I will make a separate post for getting started with robotium development. -To make...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn- Sampler
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Samplers only. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process to install plug in ,...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn- Listeners
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Listeners only. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process to install plug in ,...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn- Pre Processors
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Pre Processors only. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process to install plug in...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn- Post Processors
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Post Processors only. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process to install plug in...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn - Timer
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Timer only. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process to install plug in ,...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn- Config elements
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Config elements only. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process to install plug in...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn-Logic Controller
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. I will discuses about Logic Controller only which represents stored variable. To know about basic of jmeter see my this page. And, the process...
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Introduction to JMeter Google PlugIn-Threads
In this article we are going to see what are additional features/items added after installing jmeter plugin (Google Plugin) and what we can do with it. We will discuses about client plugins only. Server plugin will be discussed in separate post. I will discuses about Thread only which represents users....
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How to re-sign an android app(apk)?
In this article we are going to see how to un-sign a signed app. This is required when we will test an application apk file with robotium. For general ideal on robotium, I will provide separate post. First , let's have the apk file(application extension for a android app). Ex-...
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Outsourcing Software Development to Bangladesh
Today's article is a bit different than my usual QA related articles. Today I will make a case of outsourcing software projects to Bangladesh.Bangladesh is becoming a powerhouse in software outsourcing very fast . Over the last few years, the volumes of software projects (off shored/outsourced) have grown to almost...
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How to make reports(and comments) in Jmeter?
In this article we are going to have an idea on how to make report and comment on those reports based on the jmeter listener results For primary idea on jmeter listeners, see this. We have to remind that, performance report or any report may send to any level...
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How to parameterize jmeter?
In this article we are going to see how can we parameterize jmeter. That means , we will see how can we use variable passing values in jmeter. Mainly, this article is for novice like me. There are plenty of resource you may find from google. I am just making...
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What are the Post Processors in JMeter?
In this article we are going to see what are the post processors of JMeter. For basic idea on Jmeter, see my Previous posts or the Jmeter section under Tool tab. What is post processor? As we know, jmeter provide request to server and get the request from the server,...
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What are the Timers in JMeter?
In this following article we are going to know about what is Jmeter Timers. The main purpose of the article will be, how can we use the timers, Why and where we use it. By the name we can understand what is the timers. When we need to insert time...
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What are the Reports/Listeners in JMeter? Why we use them?
In this article we are going to see what are the reports (Listeners) in JMeter and why we use that. Please see my previous posts for primary idea about jmeter.Jmeter Listener used to listen and process for suitable views/reports. That needed more memory and processor. Different listener of jmeter performs...
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Jmeter Best Practices
Blog on Jmeter Best Practices
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What is HTTP Request Defaults? Why we use it
In this following article we are going to see what is HTTP Request Defaults in JMeter and why we use it.HTTP Request Defaults is the default configuration set for each http request in a fragment/thread/plan which are under it. This is one king of Configuration element that controls the HTTP...
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What is JDBC Connection Configuration? Why we use this.
In this following article we are going to see what is JDBC Connection Configuration in JMeter and why we use it.By naming, we can understand it is one king of Connection Configuration element that controls the JDBC connection. It will control the the communication to any Data Base used by...
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What is HTTP Header Manager? Why we use it
In this following article we are going to see what is HTTP Header Manager in JMeter and why we use it.By naming, we can understand it is one king of element that controls the header. And, it will be present in side a config element(as it holds all type of...
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JMeter Load Testing with Cassandra/MySql/Derby/SQLite/Ingres/PostgreSQL/Oracle/MS Access
In this article we are going to see how can we perform DB testing for other DB than MS SQL.We can find driver class and DB url patterns from my previous post.The common steps we can find from my post here. We have to change the driver , and the...
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Driver classes & Database URLs for JDBC Drivers
In this article we will see different Driver class & Database URL pattern(syntax) used with JDBC driver in JAVA. We will use them with JMeter under JDBC Connection Configuration config element. See my SQL testing post for know more about SQL testing.Database Name : MySQLDriver class: com.mysql.jdbc.DriverDatabase URL :jdbc:mysql://host[:port]/dbnameDatabase Name...
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How to perform MSSQL load testing in JMeter?
In this article we are going to see how to perform Load / Stress test for MS SQL Server. It is applicable for SQL 2008, 2005, SQL Express.For Basic Idea on jmeter, See my this post. Step : 1 To Test Database, we have to access the database directly as...
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