In this article we are going to see how we can use Vim.

What is NANO?

Nano is one of the commandline editor pre installed mostly in debian based linux distribution.


  • via apt(debian) sudo apt install -y nano
  • Via yum(CentOS/Fedora)yum install nano

Basic Commands

  • Open a file Syntax nano _fileName_. Example : nano
  • Open a file with specific position by line number and column number nano +lineNo,columnNo _filename_.

Basic Commands on file open

  • Exit CTRL+X
  • Get Help CTRL+G
  • Write Out CTRL+O
  • Find letter/word CTRL+W
  • Cut Text CTRL+K
  • Justify CTRL+j
  • Cur Pos CTRL+C
  • Read File CTRL+R
  • Replace text CTRL+\
  • Uncut text CTRL+U
  • TO Liner CTRL+\
  • Go to line No CTRL+_
  • move forward one character: Ctrl+F (^F)
  • move back one character: Ctrl+B (^B)
  • move forward one word: Ctrl+Space (^Space)
  • move back one word: Alt+Space (M-Space)
  • move to the previous line: Ctrl+P (^P)
  • move to the next line: Ctrl+N (^N)
  • move to the next page: Ctrl+V (^V)
  • move to the previous page: Ctrl+Y (^Y)
  • move to the beginning of the line: Ctrl+A (^A)
  • move to the end of the line: Ctrl+E (^E)

All Keyboard shortcuts

After opening nano, if you press CTRL+G, you will get all shortcuts

^G    (F1)      Display this help text
^X    (F2)      Close the current file buffer / Exit from nano
^O    (F3)      Write the current file to disk
^R    (F5)      Insert another file into the current one

^W    (F6)      Search forward for a string or a regular expression
^\    (M-R)     Replace a string or a regular expression
^K    (F9)      Cut the current line and store it in the cutbuffer
^U    (F10)     Uncut from the cutbuffer into the current line

^J    (F4)      Justify the current paragraph
                Invoke the spell checker, if available
^T    (F12)     Invoke the linter, if available
                Invoke formatter, if available

^C    (F11)     Display the position of the cursor
^_    (M-G)     Go to line and column number

M-U             Undo the last operation
M-E             Redo the last undone operation

M-A   (^6)      Mark text starting from the cursor position
M-6   (M-^)     Copy the current line and store it in the cutbuffer

M-]             Go to the matching bracket

M-W   (F16)     Repeat the last search
M-▲             Search next occurrence backward
M-▼             Search next occurrence forward

^B    (◀)       Go back one character
^F    (▶)       Go forward one character
^◀    (M-Space) Go back one word
^▶    (^Space)  Go forward one word
^A    (Home)    Go to beginning of current line
^E    (End)     Go to end of current line

^P    (▲)       Go to previous line
^N    (▼)       Go to next line
M--   (M-_)     Scroll up one line without scrolling the cursor
M-+   (M-=)     Scroll down one line without scrolling the cursor

^▲    (M-7)     Go to previous block of text
^▼    (M-8)     Go to next block of text
M-(   (M-9)     Go to beginning of paragraph; then of previous paragraph
M-)   (M-0)     Go just beyond end of paragraph; then of next paragraph

M-◀   (M-<)     Switch to the previous file buffer
M-▶   (M->)     Switch to the next file buffer

^I    (Tab)     Insert a tab at the cursor position
^M    (Enter)   Insert a newline at the cursor position

^D    (Del)     Delete the character under the cursor
^H    (Bsp)     Delete the character to the left of the cursor
                Cut backward from cursor to word start
                Cut forward from cursor to next word start
M-T             Cut from the cursor position to the end of the file

M-J             Justify the entire file
M-D             Count the number of words, lines, and characters
M-V             Insert the next keystroke verbatim

^L              Refresh (redraw) the current screen
^Z              Suspend the editor (if suspension is enabled)

M-}   (Tab)     Indent the current line (or marked lines)
M-{   (Sh-Tab)  Unindent the current line (or marked lines)

M-3             Comment/uncomment the current line (or marked lines)
^]              Try and complete the current word

M-:             Start/stop recording a macro
M-;             Run the last recorded macro

^Q              Search backward for a string or a regular expression

^S              Save file without prompting

M-X             Help mode enable/disable
M-C             Constant cursor position display enable/disable
M-O             Use of one more line for editing enable/disable
M-S             Smooth scrolling enable/disable
M-$             Soft wrapping of overlong lines enable/disable
M-#             Line numbering enable/disable
M-P             Whitespace display enable/disable
M-Y             Color syntax highlighting enable/disable

M-H             Smart home key enable/disable
M-I             Auto indent enable/disable
M-K             Cut to end enable/disable
M-L             Hard wrapping of overlong lines enable/disable
M-Q             Conversion of typed tabs to spaces enable/disable

M-B             Backup files enable/disable
M-F             Reading file into separate buffer enable/disable
M-M             Mouse support enable/disable
M-N             No conversion from DOS/Mac format enable/disable
M-Z             Suspension enable/disable