In this article we are going to see learn about TestNG, JUnit3,JUnit4 & JUnit5 by Comparison. Initially this was posted only Junit3,Junit4 & testNG. But I have updated with Junit5.


All of them are Java unit testing frameworks. And all of them has builtin test runners , assertion utilities, test organization technique as well as extensibility. Some also have reporting capability.

But, as junit grows from old generation to newer generations, many of its mechanism has evolved. And TestNG was introduced in between parallel to Junit to overcome some of testing needs.

All of them are commonly used different ways of testing. I wont be talking about in detail differences but, we will talk about more or less overall functionality with comparison.

Compare based on topics

NO Topic Junit3 Junit4 Junit5 TestNG
1 Test Declaration testXXX pattern @Test @Test @Test
2 Run a method Before each Test setUp() @Before @BeforeEach @BeforeMethod
3 Run a method after a each Test Method tearDown() @After @AfterEach @AfterMethod
4 Ignoring a test Remove/Comment @ignore @Disabled @Test(enabled=false)
5 Run a method before a Test Class - @BeforeClass @BeforeAll @BeforeClass
6 Run a method after a Test Class - @AfterClass @AfterAll @AfterClass
7 Run a method before a declared in <test> tag in xml - - - @BeforeTest
8 Run a method after a declared in <test> tag in xml - - - @AfterTest
9 Runs a method before a suite - - - @BeforeSuite
10 Runs a method after a suite - - - @AfterSuite
11 Runs a method before a group (XML) - - - @BeforeGroups
12 Runs a method after a group (XML) - - - @AfterGroups
13 Exception Checking explicitly call fail & then assert in catch block @Test(expected = .class) or using @Rule ExpectedException Using Exception in an Executable functional interface @Test(expectedExceptions = ExceptionClassName.class)
14 Timeout for test execution - @Test(timeout = 1000) @Timeout (value=long type) @Test(timeout = timeoutinmilisecond)
15 invoke threads to run test in parallel - - @Execution @Test(threadPoolSize = threadNumber)
16 always runs a test method(ignores dependent tests) - - - @Test(alwaysRun=true)
17 specify test groups - - - @Test(groups = Name of the group specified in XML)
18 Description - - - @Test(description=The description for the tests)
19 Repeat Same test - - @RepeatedTest @Test(invocationCount=integer)
20 Repeat Test Timeout - - - @Test(invocationTimeOut=)
21 Prioritizing tests - - - @Test(priority=integer)
22 Defining Expected success percentage - - - @Test(successPercentage=integer)
23 Single Thread Test Execution - - - @Test(singleThreaded=true)
24 XML Data provider for a test - - - @Test(dataProvider=NameOfProvider)
25 Data provider Class for a test - - - @Test(dataProviderClass=DataProviderClassName.class
26 Run test with all dependents methods - - - @Test(dependsOnMethods=Name of all methods)
27 Run test with all dependents methods from all dependent groups - - - @Test(dependsOnGroups=Name of all Groups)
28 Defining Test Runner/Class - @RunWith(ATestRunner.class) - -
29 Defining test classes in a suite classe - @SuiteClasses - -
30 Data Provider with Object[][] - @DataProvider from TNG - @DataProvider
31 Add test parameter - @TestWith by zohhak - -
32 Define Rules for test - @Rules - -
33 Fixing ordering of test execution at class level - @FixMethodOrder @Order,@TestMethodOrder -
34 Define Rules for test classes - @ClassRule - -
35 Alternative @test method run as theories by assumptions - @Theory - -
36 Multiple Data Input for theories - @TestedOn - -
37 iterable of data points in array - @DataPoints - -
38 Assign of a data point(field/method) - @DataPoint - -
39 Parametersupplier provided values as test data in @Theory - @ParametersSuppliedBy - -
40 Parameter of @Theory declared as @datapoints and will be selected by this - @FromDataPoints - -
41 Categorize a test/class - @Category - -
42 Validate any test method using annotationValidator(use in your custom annotation) - @ValidateWith - -
43 Test data field annotation - @Parameter - -
44 Test data in a iterable collection - @Parameters - @parameters={arrayOfStrings}
45 Runs only Categorized classes and methods - @IncludeCategory - -
46 Exclude classes and methods that are not annotated with either the category or given with this - - - -
47 Defines a listener in a test class - - - @Listeners
48 factory that returns Test classes objects - - @TestFactory @Factory
49 Tagging tests - - @Tag,@Tags -
49 Nested Test Class - - @Nested -
50 Custom display name generator - - @DisplayNameGeneration -
51 Custom test name - - @DisplayName -
52 Locking resource declaration - - @ResourceLock,@ResourceLocks -
53 Using a temporary directory for data or field - - @TempDir -

I hope, this will give basic idea to start testing with these unit test framework. I will provide separate post on how to organize & plan your tests with these test frameworks.