In this article we are going to see the jmap commands.

What is jmap?

jmap prints shared object memory maps/heap memory details of a given process/core file/a remote debug server. Jmap stands for java memory map.


jmap [option] pId
jmap [option] exe core
jmap [option] [server-id@]remote-hostname-or-IP

In here :

  • pId = Java process id (use jps to get the info)
  • exe = Java executable from which the core dump was produced.
  • core = Core file for which the stack trace is to be printed.
  • remote-hostname-or-IP = Debug server’s (see jsadebugd) hostname or IP address.
  • server-id= (optional) unique server id

jmap Options :

With no option is used jmap prints shared object mappings. This is similar to the Solaris pmap utility.

  • dump:[live], format=b,file=filename : Dumps the Java heap in hprof binary format to filename.
    • live : objects in the heap are dumped(optional).
    • format=b : Binary default
    • file=filename : dump heap to filename
  • finalizerinfo : Prints information on objects awaiting finalization.
  • heap : Prints a heap summary(GC algorithm ,heap configuration ,generation wise heap)
  • histo[:live] : Prints a histogram of the heap.
  • permstat :Prints class loader wise statistics of permanent generation of Java heap( the number and size of interned Strings are also printed)
  • F : Force(Use with jmap -dump or jmap -histo option when pid is not responding)
  • J(option): Passes option to the Java virtual machine on which jmap is running.

From CLI

    jmap [option] <pid>
        (to connect to running process)
    jmap [option] <executable <core>
        (to connect to a core file)
    jmap [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
        (to connect to remote debug server)

where <option> is one of:
    <none>               to print same info as Solaris pmap
    -heap                to print java heap summary
    -histo[:live]        to print histogram of java object heap; if the "live"
                         suboption is specified, only count live objects
    -clstats             to print class loader statistics
    -finalizerinfo       to print information on objects awaiting finalization
    -dump:<dump-options> to dump java heap in hprof binary format
                           live         dump only live objects; if not specified,
                                        all objects in the heap are dumped.
                           format=b     binary format
                           file=<file>  dump heap to <file>
                         Example: jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>
    -F                   force. Use with -dump:<dump-options> <pid> or -histo
                         to force a heap dump or histogram when <pid> does not
                         respond. The "live" suboption is not supported
                         in this mode.
    -h | -help           to print this help message
    -J<flag>             to pass <flag> directly to the runtime system

Notes :

  • If the given process is running on a 64-bit VM, we need to specify the -J-d64 option.
  • In windows, the system path variable should contain jvm.dll(for my PC, it is in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\server).
