In this article we are going to elaborate the jar commands (comes with jdk package)
What is Jar & Jar tool?
Jar means Java archive. After compiling one or more java classes, jar represent all classes tater in a single deplorable file. JAR is a standard ZIP or Archive format of java byte codes.
To make this, jdk has jar command line tool. The jar tool combines multiple files into a single JAR archive file.
jar is a general-purpose archiving and compression tool, based on ZIP and the ZLIB compression format.
Syntax :
jar [option] [jar/class name/file name] [parameters..]
Jar Options :
- c : Creates new archive
- t : List table of contents for a archive
- x : Extracts named (or all) files from a archive
- u : Updates existing archive
- v : Generates verbose output on standard output
- f : Specifies archive file name
- m : Include manifest information from specified manifest file
- e : Specify application entry point for stand-alone application bundled into an executable jar file
- 0 : Stores only; (no compression)
- M : Does not create a manifest file for the entries
- i : Generates index information for the specified jar files
- C : Changes to the specified directory and include the input file arguments. Its operation is similar to the -C option of the UNIX tar utility
- J(option) : Its supports options from java command. See my this post to get to know about those options. Basically , it pass option into the Java runtime environment.
Note : A manifest file entry named META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is automatically generated by the jar tool and is always the first entry in the jar file. Here is Jar specification.
Examples :
Add a index to jar file :
jar i [myJarFile] -J[option]
Create a jar file :
Creates new jars(verbose output, store only and not creating manifest) specific file name, with change directory and a java option (including some files)
jar c[v0M]f [myJarFile] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option]
Creates new jars(verbose output, store only),creating manifest, specific jar name, with change directory and a java option (including some files) and specify entry point(main class).
jar c[v0]mf [manifest] [myJarFile] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option] [-e entrypoint]
Creates new jars(verbose output, store only and not creating manifest) with change directory and a java option(including some files)
jar c[v0M] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option]
Creates new jars(verbose output, store only),creating manifest with change directory and a java option (including some files)
jar c[v0]m [manifest] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option]
Extract jar file :
jar x[v]f [myJarFile] [[myInputfiles]] -J[option]
jar x[v] [[myInputfiles]] -J[option]
Update jar file :
jar u[v0M]f [myJarFile] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option]
jar u[v0]mf manifest [myJarFile] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option] [-e entrypoint]
jar u[v0M] [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option]
jar u[v0]m manifest [-C dir] [myInputfiles] -J[option]
List table of contents of jar file :
jar t[v]f [myJarFile] [[myInputfiles]] -J[option]
jar t[v] [[myInputfiles]] -J[option]
Notes : Terms that i have used here
- myJarFile : The file which will be created
- myInputfiles : Files added to jar. (separated by space whilewriting)
- manifest : Pre-existing manifest file whose name : value pairs are to be included in MANIFEST.MF in the jar
- entrypoint : The name of the class that set as the application entry point